Haley: Want to know the direction Stoned Kitchen is committed to? First, whet your appetite! Give a bit of your time, thought, and action to this article from The Guardian. As scientist Tim Spector writes, “Prioritising food choices is one of the most powerful tools we have to help save the planet,” and “Even small positive changes can go a long way.” I couldn’t have put eSKay’s Philosophy better myself!
Continue reading “Crisis Cooking: Get going!”A thing I can do…(to help save the world) is…
ME: write this post, dare to share the video promised in eSKay’s Season 1 Cliffhanger, and hope that at least one person out there gets the message hidden in it and joins the “saving water” team…
Save Water = Help save the world!
AND…we can move past 45/DJT/”former guy and get back to finding our common ground and doing the important work…(and have fun doing it, too!)
To begin its official (on the world wide web!) second season (working title: Trials and Ventures), Stoned Kitchen wants to officially congratulate our Pepper! It’s Pepper’s birthday. Here in eSKay we are celebrating by…. (thinking…..)
This is a daft idea. I’m going to just call Pepper up, which was my original plan anyway. (I’m savvier with Whatsapp-en these days, and that fact is by and large due to Pepper!
(Excuse me: must remember how to add a “read more” button…)
Outtake from Stoned Kitchen Episode, “Adios, President Trump” (eSKay’s first video!)
Stoned Kitchen has been busy the past months since our launch of this site. We just haven’t posted about it here. (Things like the summer tourist season in Greece, heat waves, political passions, raging pandemics, and lockdowns, etc., were impediments so to say. Now, though, Stoned Kitchen is happy to return to you today to share our first video. It’s not the one we had planned and it is far from perfect. But if I wait until it is “perfect,” the message in it will be obsolete. You are welcome to share on your own social media and home pages. Should you feel moved to comment here, or send us an email, please keep the Stoned Kitchen Covenant in mind (and try to keep it.) Yiammas!
Continue reading “Outtake from Stoned Kitchen Episode, “Adios, President Trump” (eSKay’s first video!)”Reaching out (again): Stoned Kitchen’s 2nd “U U U” going out to…
Click on the audio file below to hear the as yet unedited, live Blogcast recording of this episode. We’ll fine-tune it later! (maybe.) 45’s already busy with other things (like pulling out of WHO.) Help! We haven’t had time to check whether he’s masked up yet, or still masquerading as somebody with talent in pandemic control. Please help us “reach him” – and others with our message: Mask wearing isn’t just for sheep!
Reaching out…eSKay’s first “yoU U U” to…

Soundtrack: Playing the intro to the eSKay original song “Follow Me.” Fading in under that, the sounds of mad clicking away on an old-fashioned typewriter.
Haley: (Using “very earnest announcer” voice) Coming to you almost live from somewhere in Greece,
The Heartfelt eSKay Privacy Policy

Soundtrack: ???
Haley: (whispering) Just play something, Soundtrack! It doesn’t matter. Almost nobody reads or listens to data protection or privacy policy statements, anyway…
Soundtrack: (unenthusiastically playing something) Then why do it?
Haley: (almost hissing) Because we “have to.” Just play along. Hermes? You’re up!
Prep Steps, “Pepper Magic,” and a fish fry!
Getting stonedkitchen.org up and running does involve some work, but mostly, it’s tons of fun and I’m learning a lot. this Blogcast post shares a bit of the process with you.
Continue reading “Prep Steps, “Pepper Magic,” and a fish fry!”Welcome to the Stoned Kitchen Blogcast and our recommended Starter: The Covenant
Soundtrack: (playing the intro to “The Wind of Life” theme song in the background, accompanied by some thunder, lightning, and of course turbulent wind sounds)
Miamou for Potcast [and Blogcast]
Miamou is the very cool cat who kind of “rules” the eSKay world…
Getting Miamou’s Stoned Kitchen “look” ready to go out on the world wide web (where you never know who you are going to run into) has been such a joy (for me and Pepper.) Miamou was NOT that thrilled about “posing” for photoshoots and I seriously doubt she would ever let me stick some headphones or eyewear on her no matter what their color or design are.
Continue reading “Miamou for Potcast [and Blogcast]”