Hermes: For first time guests, our suggested “Starter Menu” is: Keep sipping this apero of Stoned Kitchen’s main ingredients by scrolling on down here and/or listening to it (after the recording gets done.) Then as your starter, learn Stoned Kitchen’s etiquette with our blogcast post “Welcome and Covenant.”
Haley: And please excuse any “technical difficulties” with flying around this overview to other destinations. I’m still learning how to add links and buttons, etc. (I can’t always take advantage of eSKay’s brilliant secret ingredient “Pepper Magic.”) But now, on to our overview of the Summer 2020 Menu.
Miamou: (whispers) Finally…Meow.

Haley: The eSKay Blogcast posts are like old-fashioned radio theatre with original music and sound effects- and spiced up with photoshoots (videos to come!)
Topics are wide-ranging and you’ll find blogcasts sprinkled throughout the menu with many more in the works.

The eSKay Crisis Cooking section is where we try to turn a crisis or challenge into an opportunity for doing better. It’s filled with food and drink stories (and some recipes. ) There’s also plenty of “food for thought” – and action.

Crisis Cooking has five submenus to check out like Philosophia, and Aperos, Cocktails, and Virgins. These sections will be taking shape soon, and when they do here’s a….
Tip: Watch for the Get Higher proposals like this one: Get yourself a reusable “drink to go” cup. Use it! Thank you!

“Joint Ventures” is where Stoned Kitchen features collaborative efforts, great projects, ideas, and causes that help make the world a better place. Coming soon to its pages, our own Rubbish Warrior tale-and hopefully, shared joint venture stories and partners from all over the world, too!

Stoned Kitchen’s growing photo gallery has a “twist” coming soon. Want to know the story behind a certain photo? Just let us know. Stoned Kitchen’s almost always good for a thousand words or so about …almost anything.

Now a few words about our Categories

Guest Posts is a key – and hopefully soon to be growing category in Stoned Kitchen. If you are interested in making one, then please get in touch!
Beginnings...These posts share background information about me, Miamou, and some other eSKay characters and “regulars.”They also give you behind the scenes glimpses (and at times so-called “streams of conscious” musings) about how this website came to be, and the process of turning fiction (or a vision/dream) into reality.

Hermes: They are like little/long pieces of “Stoned Kitchen history.”
Miamou: (whispers) You can say that again. Especially the “long” part. Pretty revealing, too…just like the posts in the Birthdays category.

Haley: (serious voice) The Reaching Out to You U U category tries to get a message to a particular world leader (and “their people”). Recorded almost live, our Reaching out tos...are well, worth a look and listen. Some people find them amusing, others say they are like cabaret…
We just hope our target audience person has a sense of humor and decency, too…(and “gets” the message!)
Hermes: Please note, Haley plans to shift her early You U U focus on the present US president soon. We don’t seem to have reached him yet…
Haley: (whispering) Maybe we have to join Twitter… Anyway, I think we’ll reach out to Joe Biden, next, or maybe Mr. what’s his name in charge of Facebook… or maybe
Miamou: (whispering) Wrap it up for her, Hermes. She can go on dreaming for hours on end. It’s time for my lunch!
Hermes: Right. We hope this overview has been helpful. We look forward to your comments and suggestions for improvement. We’ll also be adding more dishes and features to our menu soon. If you’d like us to let you know when new items are added, you are welcome to Follow the Blogcast (bottom right of the cover.)
Until next time, thanks again for joining us in Stoned Kitchen, and Yiammas! To our health – and the planet we call home!

Haley: (inhales /exhales or sighs and whispers aside) I can’t wait for November.
Miamou: Yeah, I can hardly wait either. It’s cooler here in Greece then. And maybe by then, you will have gotten higher with creating short, pithy, to the point posts….
Haley: Maybe…and maybe…
Footnote to Haley: “Add” Soundtrack later! Ask Dan -and Pepper’s opinion about all these colored blocks!

Followup: So I asked Pepper. Here’s what she said: “Hahaha!!! Very colorful indeed! Just like you and your texts. Crazy world-saving-wonder-woman!”
Friends like Pepper are Stoned Kitchen’s favorite spice. (That’s her in the photo just above.)
Will ask Dan later. And you??? Any “Home Improvement” suggestions?
