Haley: Yiassas! Hello! Coming to you almost live from somewhere in Greece, welcome to the world of Stoned Kitchen. This is a space that welcomes all who believe it’s possible for humans to do a better job at taking care of themselves, each other, and the planet we call home.
Stoned Kitchen’s creator, chef cook, and responsible grown-up is “me” and my name here is Haley Zimmermann (and sometimes Thalia.) In the “real world,” I have another name (or names, actually.) But in both, I’m an American writer, translator (German to English), proofreader, and English teacher who lives in Europe.

For details, see the post here at home called “A little bit about me and Miamou,” or the blogcast called “Introducing.” The recording is “in the works.” It’s a long read/ listen, as are many posts here. (We can’t save the world with a slogan, folks.) However, shorter posts are coming. Soon.
To see what’s “ready” now, though, please explore our Stoned Kitchen 2020 menu here in the Home section.
We hope you find some dishes to your liking – and look forward to your input!