A thing I can do…(to help save the world) is…

ME: write this post, dare to share the video promised in eSKay’s Season 1 Cliffhanger, and hope that at least one person out there gets the message hidden in it and joins the “saving water” team…
Save Water = Help save the world!
AND…we can move past 45/DJT/”former guy and get back to finding our common ground and doing the important work…(and have fun doing it, too!)

Miamou: (in a weak, tired voice) You should give that some more thought, Haley. That video could get you and Dan in trouble…and I don’t need the stress of trolls and former guy fans causing rucus in the house during my last days…(falls back asleep behind the “boat book and knick-knack case.)

Hermes: Coming to you almost live from somewhere in Greece, welcome to this episode of Season 2, Trials and Ventures! In it, Haley plans to share a video recorded some time back! But will she dare to do it? Has the time finally come to share the “almost uncut” long version of our Season 1 Cliffhanger? Or will Haley make some last-minute edits to shorten it? Is it even still relevant? Stay Tuned!

Haley: (dithering to herself) I’m of two minds about it, Hermes. Some of it is “out of date,” but it does have that great tip in it about a practical way to save water….and me singing…and somehow, I think Dan would tell me to go with it.

Hermes: While Haley makes up her mind, I’ll read her script in progress for the video’s trailer. …(we hear Hermes turning pages.)
Turning the page is all about moving forward (and saving water whilst doing it!) It stars in order of appearance: Miamou (who cooperated, but was understandably not pleased), a toilet-bowl cleaning brush, Haley, and in a rare appearance in front of the camera, the amazing Dan!

Miamou’s big scene in the video (poor kitty!)
Dan in action while Haley is…

Attention! The video contains Possible Triggers, and might not be suitable for guests who flip out at the hint of a woman’s nipples (regardless of what those nipples happen to be engaged in, for example, having a shower or nourishing a baby.) Those who have problems with the expression of free speech (by other people) might have difficulties accepting “other viewpoints/real facts.”

Haley and Hermes: (whispering unintelligibly in the background.)

Hermes: (a bit louder, slightly miffed) OK, Haley, but next time, maybe stick to one topic… (in his god-messenger voice) We’re introducing now our new:

Get Higher Menu” — which Haley tells me is in progress and will include recipes! She apologies for the delay, but invites you all in the meantime, to get higher by paying attention to the 6/1 (six one) Committee Hearings. Note: The official name is: The United States House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack.

Haley: Thanks, Hermes! The committee name is not pithy or catchy, like “Bengazi” or “Monika-gate.” Does anyone have ideas for a good acronym or synonym? If so, please give suggestions in the comments!

Hermes: But by any name, the first “episode” of the hearings presented live in prime-time in the USA (other than by Fox News for mysterious reasons) packed a powerful punch!
It’s must-see TV, and as Moira Donegan wrote in The Guardian, the “findings are damning!” For a fast take, look for Peter Kuper’s editorial cartoon on his blog. It depicts the “hearing conundrum” (hilariously!) as a “who-done-it!”

Haley: I would share a copy of it here, but that is illegal without getting permission. But great news! Anyone can watch the video of the entire hearing! It is so much more compelling and relevant than my : Turning the page” one mentioned above… which I still must compress and also….Well, in it, the point was to “say farewell” to the 45th President of the USA. In light of the 6/1 Investigation findings (that means EVIDENCE!) so far, 45 is not faring well…Stoned Kitchen recommends: Confession!

Miamou: (now standing on the terrace, waiting to be let in.) I am: Tired of Haley’s obsession about 45! I am Not.In.A.Good. Condition…
But I am still breathing. At my age (19!) that’s fairly amazing. I wish Haley would just remind herself (again) about her so-called life’s philosophy…

Haley: (whispering) Oh why not? What’s the worst thing that can happen if I do post that old video?

Hermes: (Lol-ing) Who knows? But you can’t find out yet anyway. (LOL’s louder) Haley just tried to compress the video and got this message: “Turning the Page Stoned Kitchen’s Final Farewell to President Trump_email size.mp4: This file exceeds the maximum upload size for this site!”
Haley: I know that Hermes, but what should I do now…? Maybe ask Pepper…or somebody else for help?

Volunteer Opportunites: Stoned Kitchen would be grateful for (volunteer) assistance with video compression tips/editing/creation. For more info or to volunteer, contact us!

All guests are welcome to provide Covenant Conform comments. (There is a volunteer opportunity to help Haley summarize the covenant’s main points, which in a nutshell are “Be nice and don’t lie.”) A reminder: Stoned Kitchen’s policy towards covenant-breakers is: primarily: Shun them.

Hermes: So, it seems that Haley has made a decision (about time, too.) Whilst she gets down to it, that’s all from me for this episode called, “A thing I can do to help save the world!” As always, Yiammas!
And thanks for joining us for this edition of Stoned Kitchen!
Now You: I thing I can do to help save the world is…

Update: Watch the edited version of Turning the page. It is no longer entirely up-to-date on the DJT front (see Jan. 6 Committee hearings and what follows.) But getting it off my desk feels great! Now, I can get back to doing far more important things..

Me and Miamou in Stoned Garden, June 15, 2023. Some hours later, she breathed her last breath.
You can find her tribute somewhere at https://www.facebook.com/stonedkitchen.org/ – but as I wrote there, Miamou remains alive in my heart – and in Stoned Kitchen.
(Where in our Season 3, we’re “Done with Trump” – and are cheering on – and working for our joint ventures!

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